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Old 12-27-2011, 09:13 AM
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Default Nightforce Scopes

Hey All:

Need some input regarding Nightforce scopes. I will be using the scope for target shooting at the range and hunting wild boar hogs, bobcats, coyotes.

Seen the Nightforce F1 3.5-15x50 with the MD2 recticle First Focal Plane, the same model with the LV.5 velocity recticle, and the Nightforce 3.5-15x56 NXS zero stop with the MV.5 recticle Second Focal Plane.

Between these 3 versions, which would you suggest?

Btw, Merry Christmas!

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Weapon: LMT308MWS x 2, Timney Trigger, WCI Titanium Muzzle Brake, LMT FDE Sopmod, FDE Ergo Grip, UTG Folding Billet Aluminum Forearm Grip, Magpul Pmag 20LR, Magpul FDE MS2 Multi Position Sling.

Scopes: Burris Eliminator Laserscope, Nightforce 5-22x50 NXS with Zerostop Turrets.
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Old 12-27-2011, 08:23 PM
Grizzman Grizzman is offline
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Unless you see truly long range shooting in your future and plan to use the reticle for ranging distance, I wouldn't recommend a FFP scope. I don't see the Velocity Reticle listed as an option with second focal plane scopes.

Since your game is at the small end of the spectrum, I'm not sure how much magnification you'd be able to dial in before the reticle grows to a point where the animal is mostly hidden.

Their new Reticle Velocity reticle is backed up by solid science, but I'm not sure how it'd work out in the real world. It requires a person to select one bullet at a given CD and velocity, and it provides holdover points. If a cartridge load is used that doesn't exactly match what the reticle is designed for you'll need to physically shoot at each range to determine the bullet drop at each elevation mark (as they are not in MOA).

If I were buying for your purpose, I'd choose either their mil dot (though if you don't already know mils, that complicates things) or the NP-R2. I've thought several times that I should have chosen the less cluttered NP-R2 instead of the NP-R1.

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Old 12-27-2011, 10:10 PM
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I love Nightforce Scopes and agree with . What caliber rifle are you putting this on?
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:31 AM
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LMT308MWS, the nightforce calculator is suggesting the C410 scope for my loads Hornady Superformance GMX 150gr .308
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Weapon: LMT308MWS x 2, Timney Trigger, WCI Titanium Muzzle Brake, LMT FDE Sopmod, FDE Ergo Grip, UTG Folding Billet Aluminum Forearm Grip, Magpul Pmag 20LR, Magpul FDE MS2 Multi Position Sling.

Scopes: Burris Eliminator Laserscope, Nightforce 5-22x50 NXS with Zerostop Turrets.
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Old 12-28-2011, 01:29 PM
Grizzman Grizzman is offline
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I've been contemplating which magnified scope to put on my 16" 6.8 SPC since I finished assembling it. The rifle will be used any time I'd like to deliver more energy than a 5.56 is capable of, without stepping up to the longer and heavier 308.

Since it's unlikely to be used at more than 400-500 yards (and unlikely in a SHTF scenario), I've been unable to justify the ruggedness, long range abilities, and cost of a Nightforce. I'm currently considering a Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10 X 44mm. It should be durable enough to survive the knocks of hunting and should transfer enough light to be usable at dusk and dawn. The illuminated reticle should also help in this regard.

The facts that it weighs nearly a pound less than a 3.5-15 X 50 NF is also a nice detail. I've also been considering a Zeiss Conquest, Leupold Mark 4 & VX-R, and Trijicon AccuPoint. For the price of a NF, I should be able to get one of the above (or something similar) and an Aimpoint for close in shooting.....or an Aimpoint and a 3X magnifier. We have more good options now than ever before.

There is no doubt that a Nightforce would be an outstanding scope for my 6.8, but considering the rifle's roles I believe there are better options. You may end up coming to the same conclusion also.

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Last edited by Grizzman; 12-28-2011 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 12-28-2011, 02:13 PM
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Sounds great ! The Nightforce calculator suggests I use the 3.5-15x56 NXS MV.5 (C410). Also getting the Gemtech Quicksand suppressor with the Gemtech Vortex QD mount. And the LMT QFSS with the Burris Fastfire II.

Will most likely use the ND3x50 Subzero for night hunting. I believe it can be used for all weather temperatures.
You can have my weapon, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!

Weapon: LMT308MWS x 2, Timney Trigger, WCI Titanium Muzzle Brake, LMT FDE Sopmod, FDE Ergo Grip, UTG Folding Billet Aluminum Forearm Grip, Magpul Pmag 20LR, Magpul FDE MS2 Multi Position Sling.

Scopes: Burris Eliminator Laserscope, Nightforce 5-22x50 NXS with Zerostop Turrets.
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Old 04-04-2012, 07:03 PM
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I have a Nightforce 5.5-22x56 NXS, w/mil/mil, zero stop, and everything else offered. I have it on my M1a. Truthfully it's too much scope for that rifle. I have a Leupold 3.5-10 Vari-x on my AR and that is a good combination. I am going to build a precision rifle on a Rem 700 .308 action and will take the Nightforce off the M1a, and replace it with a Viper Vortex PST 4-16x50, which will be half the cost of the Nightforce.


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