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Old 04-21-2013, 11:58 AM
Deleted Deleted is offline
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Well I made it through my first Major Match. Although I Shot a awful match it was a great day, Put hits on all movers and believe me some was fast movers, charge with 2 Procedurals (not following course of fire) 4 Failure to Neutralize (getting just one hit on a target, and 1 hit on a non-threat but did get my hit on the target behind the non-threat.

Had to do 2 re-shoots 1 for some targets not being pasted and 1 for a steel dropping and not releasing a mover. I had good times on the stages but just not making my hits.

The squad I was in had some of my fellow club members in it along with a few other shooter, 1 was from my hometown of Flagstaff, Az who made the trip just to shot the match, It was a looooooong day up at 4am and got home a 10pm.

Below is a link to some photos they put up, I happen to be in photos 151 to 156. Pretty cool action pics.

Photos by Montgomery IDPA.

Last edited by Deleted; 04-21-2013 at 12:06 PM.
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