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Old 08-23-2012, 03:58 PM
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razor_blade razor_blade is offline
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Price drop!!!

11. Unknown hardwood, Stabilized, Ambi-cut. Clearance: $75

24. Spalted Gambel Oak, Plasticized, Clearance: $75

32. Black Mulga (Australian Ironwood), exposed mainspring fancy cut: $105

36. African Rosewood, nice grain, Clearance: $70

37. Lignum Vitae, worlds densest wood, 2-tone: $80

40. Sycamore, Plasticized with red/brown die, crazy pattern, glossy: $110

47. Black Walnut, Plasticized with black die, exposed mainspring fancy cut, glossy: $105

49. Russian Olive, Stabilized, exposed mainspring fancy cut, fantastic figuring and color: $115

51. Desert Ironwood, Exhibition Grade: $120

53. Box Elder, Plasticized with green die, unreal pattern in grain, glossy, Exhibition Grade: $115

56: Box Elder, Plasticized with black die, unreal pattern, Exhibition Grade: $115

60: Box Elder, Plasticized with red die, marble pattern, Exhibition Grade: $115

61: Box Elder, Plasticized with red die, unreal pattern, Exhibition Grade: $115

64: Red Morrell, beautiful figuring throughout, very rare wood, Exhibition Grade: $115

67: Red Morrell, beautiful figuring throughout, very rare wood, Exhibition Grade: SOLD

73. Amboyna, 2-tone, exposed mainspring fancy cut, Exhibition Grade: SOLD

74. Desert Ironwood, 2-tone, exposed mainspring fancy cut, Exhibition Grade: $120

75. Desert Ironwood, 2-tone, exposed mainspring fancy cut, Exhibition Grade: SOLD

79. Desert Ironwood, 2-tone, Exhibition Grade: $125

81. Box Elder, Plasticized with red die, unreal pattern, Exhibition Grade: $115

85. Box Elder, Plasticized with green die, feathered pattern, Mammoth Ivory inlay: $120

86: Red Morrell, unreal figuring throughout, very rare wood, Exhibition Grade: $130

92. Black Cherry Burl, Stabilized, lots of eyes: $105

93. New Zealand Red Stag, Natural finish on top and part of bottom. Feels just like Ivory: $155
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