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Old 03-06-2020, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by BadOscar View Post
I just ordered a short stock of food. Anyone else getting a little freaked out?
Not yet, though we're up to 70 cases as of today with 11 dead. That puts it at just over a 15% kill rate, but it's such a narrow demographic right now. Pugetropolous is sweating it big time, closing schools and venues left and right. The first conspiracy theories were blaming Trump or the Chinese for protester control. I think its the chemical companies... Sales of disinfectants and hand sanitizers were down. Business is a BOOMIN!! right now. I will have to admit the panic appears to be setting in. A trip to Costco a couple of days ago was a real eye opener. The silly thing is the commodities that get run on?? Water I understand but butt wipe and paper towels?? Please, you're dying of congestive lung failure... but you're ass is clean. I kid you not, people were mugging the stock boys trying to wheel pallets of Charmin out on to the floor and people had videos of asshats climbing the racks to get at stuff. Honestly I fear the dipstick moo-cow public much more than COVID-19.

As a side note in the news 20 of the 70 cases appear to be getting over the virus.
Apparently they didn't have a full blown bout of the Corona Virus.

They only had Corona- Lite...
Even after this COVID thing is over, there are some of you I want to STAY AWAY from me.

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