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Old 03-14-2019, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by sdmc530 View Post
do folks in FL have a north vs. south deal going on?

Here in SD us in the east consider the west river people weird and well hillbillys and they think we are yuppy yanks.

its pretty . West river your a rancher no matter what, east your a farmer no matter what.....just silly things like that. Is florida divided the same way?

Anything above Orlando is the true South. Most people who are elsewhere would say I live in North Havana or the sixth borough of New York.

The thing is that the University of South Florida is about four hours north of me and only an hour away from the University of Central Florida.

Then you have the people who live in Archer. You can’t believe the stuff that happens there. I heard there was some guy who caught the woods on fire.
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