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Old 05-28-2016, 11:38 AM
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Sheepdog Sheepdog is offline
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Originally Posted by milkmanjoe View Post
You are laughable and obviously have no idea of my training. But you are quick to insult.
I have trained with Brownie multiple times in Quick Kill and Threat Focused pistol shooting. I have trained with bttbbob for NRA RSO and Pistol. I put literally thousands of rounds downrange monthly at my own private range, NONE of those rounds from a static position, and most single handed shooting. There are members here, and at the FCC forum that have witnessed me put 17(G17) rounds on a small steel silhouette, moving, at 30 feet, in seconds. If those members want to chime in it is up to them. Care to get into rifle to pistol transitions? Or the fact that I train with a current USMC DI as well as a USMC Armorer at my range in South Carolina?

The only rule in a gunfight is to fight to stay alive. You can wait for a buzzer, by time it goes off I will have filled you with lead and will have moved so far offline your whole family will need to form a search party to find me. And I will be reloaded and ready to go again.

Your insults did not deserve any response from me, but I am the type to enlighten the less intelligent. Consider yourself enlightened.
You will be standing waiting for your target to move.
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In hoc signo vinces

If you can list them, you ain't got enough!!!

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