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DrHenley 04-20-2021 01:36 PM

Some trigger time (at last)
Notes to self:

Slow aimed fire only requires occasional practice
Rapid target acquisition requires constant practice

I found that my slow aimed fire was actually better than I remember for a couple of pistols. But when I tried to run the plate racks with my once-favorite IDPA pistol, I was all over the place. Even when I slowed down. And then slowed down some more. :confused:
"Why am I not able to hit the plates consistently when I can shoot tiny groups???"

It was a mystery. I found that my trigger technique was different when I was running the plate racks. So I fired one shot at a time using the same technique that I used for precision shooting, and hit the plate racks in the center every time.

I never really realized that I had two completely different techniques for precision fire and rapid fire, but I guess it makes sense.

Caleb 04-20-2021 08:05 PM

I have noticed the same thing between target shooting and point shooting/sighted defensive shooting. You can make tiny holes all day long during target runs but, when it comes to snapping on target under stress....that’s a different story and you need lots of trigger time.

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